Position: professor at the Maritime Academy of YU (c 2018);
Scientific degree: doctor of technical sciences in transport (since 2007)
Scientific title: associate professor of the HAC, specialty: Transport (2008);
Teaching disciplines: Use of radar station and Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA), Preparation for the use of Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA) in accordance with Regulation I/12 of the Convention of STCW, Electronic navigation (ECDIS control), Initial training in relation to cargo operations of oil tankers — chemical carriers in accordance with Regulation А-VI/1-1 of the STCW, Convention, Risk Assessment in Maritime Navigation, Organization and Planning of Ports and Transport Terminals, International Maritime Conventions and Codes.
MODEL COURSES (3): 6.09; 6.10; 3.12 (Netherlands, Maritime Institute Willem Barents).
Scientific works, textbooks, author’s certificates:
Author’s certificates:
Ship repair technology and its organization. 29.04.2021
Refrigeration technology equipment of the ship. 29.04.2021
Water repair organization and technology. 29.04.2021
Ship refrigeration technological equipment. 29.04.2021
Conventional training of pilots. 29.04.2021
Scientific basis of creation of working bodies of bucket-type transshipment machines for underwater mining of soils. February 2021
Publications: monograph-3, textbook — 2, study guide-10, patent-4, author’s certificate-11 and author of more than 120 scientific works.
Awards and prizes:
2020 “Teacher of Year, Kazakhstan-2020” Department MES RK;
2021 “30 years of Independence of Kazakhstan”;
2022 “45 years of Yessenov University “.