Position: Assistant professor (senior lecturer) of the Maritime Academy
Academic degree: Master
Teaching disciplines: “Operation of lifting-transport, road and construction machines”; “Applied mechanics”; “Technology of manufacturing, installation and repair of Lifting and transport machines of ports and transport terminals”; “Technology of transportation of goods”; “Technology of handling operations”; “Complex of engineering structures of seaports and transport terminals”; “Technology of repair of SPP”; “Organization of the movement of the fleet”; “Reliability and technical diagnostics of ship equipment”; “Sea ports and port facilities”; “Design of technological machines and equipment”.
2018 Formation, modernization and improvement of educational programs in the specialties of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies.
2020 Design technology for the installation and repair of lifting and transport machines.
2021 Critical Information Infrastructure Protection. Kiev, Ukraine, January 05 – January 23, 2021.
2021 Professional: professional practice, portfolio development.
2021 Critical Information Infrastructure Protection.
2022 Automated control and monitoring of remote power supply facilities.
Key words characterizing scientific interests: research on the collection of oil spilled in the sea; increase the productivity of forklift trucks by improving stability.
Awards and prizes: Medal for the 45th Esenov University
- Zhumadilov K.B., Aralbaeva M.K. Lifting and transport machines and equipment for seaports and transport terminals. Tutorial. Aktau., – Yessenov University 2022 206 p.
- Zhumadilov K.B., Bulekbaeva G.Zh. Lifting and transport machines. Tasks of course design: textbook / K.B. Zhumadilov, G.Zh. Bulekbaeva – Almaty: Evero, 2022. – 164 p.
- Zhumadilov K.B., Mankesheva O.T., Aralbayeva M.K., Cargo science, safety and securing of goods: Textbook. – Aktau: Yessenov University, 2022. – 206 p.