Position: Assistant professor (senior teacher) at the Maritime Academy
Teaching disciplines:
“Technical maintenance of safety of ships”, “Management of engine room resources and application of leadership skills”, “Operation of ship boilers and steam-producing installations”, “Introduction to the specialty”, “Basic theory of reliability and diagnostics”, “Electrical equipment of ships”, “Diagnosis of automatic systems” management”.
Advanced qualification:
2018 — training course in accordance with the International Convention STCW-78/95 (Sections A-III/1, A-III/2, A-III/3, A-VIII/2, B-VIII/2) under the program “Engineering Department “, developed on the basis of the model course IMO 2.07 “Engine room simulator” (ERS-5000) at UTC Caspian Institute of Sea and River Transport, branch “Volga State University of Water Transport”, Russia, Astrakhan. Certificate No. 1/2018-MO, valid from 29.01.2018 to 20.01.2023
Key words characterizing scientific interests: Marine engines of internal combustion and power plants of ships.
Publication: Synthetic diesel is an alternative fuel. c. Aktau, Vestnik KSUTE, 2019. Research and application of alternative fuels for marine diesels. c. Aktau, Vestnik KSUTE, 2019.
Awards and prizes: diploma for contribution to the social and economic development of the city of Aktau No. 02138, c. Aktau, 2018, certificate for contribution to the development of the university No. 037, Aktau, 2021.